” The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine
eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.”
Matthew 6:22
From classical Asian to European tradition and African civilizations the pine cone has been represented at the top of the staff, depicting the connection between the spine and the pineal gland at the top of it.
The pinecone is one of the most ancient symbols in existence and it is found in every culture throughout the world. From the ruins of ancient Rome to the cherished artifacts of Mesopotamia, the symbol of the pine cone is one of the most common and mysterious symbols on the planet. According to scholars, the pine cone is a symbol of the highest spiritual power of the world.
In the representation, we see an Assyrian winged god, holding in his hand a pine cone. In the Babylon tradition, tree of life being pollinated by two winged genies using pine cones.
This necklace is intended to be worn as a reminder of the
lamp of the body, that like the pinecone is responsive to the light. The light gives us eyes to see the suffering of others. It is a symbol of the power of the spirit to endure hardship and forego material possession for a higher purpose. It is the highest religious plateau anyone can attain. It represent eternal life and ancient wisdom. It reminds us to align our passion and purpose. It tells us of the importance of aligning our careers with our life's purpose.
It is a constant reminder to take time to live in the moment and to have the faith of a child. We walk by faith and not by sight.
According to Jewish tradition, we pass over pinecones everyday without realizing what is inside. The valuable pine cone nut is hidden inside the pine cone but human hand can not open it up. It is only the light of the sun that will allow this pine cone to open up. The pine cone has been added to the Jewish Cedar plate during Passover to represent the injustice the injustice of people imprisoned unjustly. The addition of the pone cone to the Jewish Cedar plate is a call for criminal justice reform.
Fibonacci spirals
The Fibonacci Spiral And The Golden Ratio in Mathematics
The Fibonacci spiral is then drawn inside the squares by connecting the corners of the boxes. ... The larger the numbers in the Fibonacci sequence, the closer the ratio is to the golden ratio. The spiral and resulting rectangle are also known as the Golden Rectangle
The Fibonacci spirals found in nature.
How many times have you seen the Fibonacci spirals in nature?
Natures proof of intelligence?
The Fibonacci Sequence is proof of Evolution.
It is a mathematical approach to looking at life.
Do you think the back of a pine cone looks like a cyclone?
The Pine Cone is a Christian Symbol.
The Pinecone Courtyard at the Vatican includes a giant pinecone
A pine cone can be found on the Popes staff.
The pine cone gland is located at the tip of the spine.
The primary function of the pineal gland is to receive information about the state of the light-dark cycle from the environment and convey this information to produce and secrete the hormone melatonin.
The Fibonacci Spiral at the bottom of a pine cone is symbol for an unborn child.
The Fibonacci Sequence is used in architecture.
It brings order to nature.
A genetic program in the gymnosperm cone was modified to make the first flower. this means that scientist believe that the pine cone is the precursor to the flower.
The Turkish Pine Cone and bucket of ancient art found in ancient Mesopotamian art.
This hand carved fragment comes from a Nabataean Corinthian column found in the Great Temple at Petra. It is carved out of white limestone. Pine cone resin was used to seal tall ancient Greek or Roman jars called amphorae. Amphoras were sometimes used as grave markers or as containers for funeral offerings or human remains. They where also used to hold oil, wine, milk, or grain.
Bees collect pine cone resin to fortifying the hive.
Propolis is a sticky substance produced by honey bees. The honey bees will collect resin or sticky sap from conifers (spruce, fir, and pine trees). They convert the sap into propolis by chewing on the sticky substance like bubble gum.
Propolis and its extracts have numerous applications in treating various diseases due to its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, antimycotic, antifungal, antiulcer, anticancer, and immunomodulatory properties.
This comes from ancient Greek and Roman art.
Ancient mystics carried a staff with a pinecone on its tip.
Pine resin is really flammable. This makes it great for making primitive lamps. Some scholars believe that pinecone sap was placed inside mushrooms to survive the ice age. Stone lamps date back to prehistoric times. The Maya people the America's burned pine cones during their religious rituals. Archeologists believed that they raised the pine cones up on a stick as a torch.
Modern survivalist teach people to make emergency torches using
pine cones as wicks and pine tree resin as fuel.
The origin of the pine cone dome in architecture may come from the imam Zadeh. The tomb of the saints in Persia has a roof that resembles a pine cone.
The Ner Tamid( Hebrew: “eternal light”) pine cone lamp used by Jewish people.
It represents the second source of light in Jewish sacred space.
The Ner Tamid is more ancient than the star of David.
This Ner Tamid Society Torah
pointer includes a pine cone. The Aleppo pine was adopted as the most important forest tree of Israel, tens of thousands of acres being planted with it, because of its rapid growth, beauty, and abundant shade, as well as for its ability to grow on rocky ground. It is the "eẓ shemen ("oil tree") of the Bible, as it is still called (in Aramaic) by the Jews of Kurdistan, and is so called because of its high turpentine content. Isaiah (41:19) mentions this tree among those that will fructify the wilderness on the path of the redeemed. In the time of Nehemiah its branches were used for covering the *sukkah (Neh. 8:15). Ben Sira (50:10) compares the high priest to its tall evergreen flourishing top. In the Temple the cherubim and the doors were made from its wood (1 Kings 6:23, 32). "
The hexagon honeycomb shape found in nature represent intelligence and order.
These hexagon patterned shapes are extremely precise.
n pine cones and sunflowers, Golden Mean spirals appear. “There are 55 clockwise spirals overlaid onto either 34 or 89 counterclockwise spirals that are parts of the Fibonacci Series,” Mehrdad Hejazi states in his research about geometry in nature. [17] Not only do the golden mean spirals appear in pine cones and sunflowers, but the amount of golden mean spirals on a pinecone are numbers that appear in the Fibonacci Series. Source is https://realworldmathematics.wordpress.com/
You can tell how old a tree is by counting the rings. Each one changes in shade from light to dark and is separated by a distinct dark circle. The lighter area is wood that grew faster in the spring in summer. The dark parts represent the slowed growth in the winter and fall. Knowing how old the tree is benefits scientists in numerous ways, including the study of climate change. Those rings hold secrets to the weather patterns of each year and by studying each ring, scientists can get a detailed look at how climate changed during the tree’s lifetime. https://carnegiemnh.org/
Why are there so many pine cones in 2021?
Have you ever wondered “why are there so many pinecones this year?” It boils down to survival. Trees have different reactions based on the climate and weather around them. In years with a healthy amount of rain, the tree will focus more on growth and less on seed production. https://groundhognh.com/
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